Academic Program

At Avondale Meadows Middle School, we offer a strong Core Knowledge curriculum which complements Indiana’s Academic Standards and Common Core Standards. This curriculum is integrated with and supported by enVision Mathematics and Reader’s and Writer’s Workshop.

Core Knowledge is a curriculum that provides a broad base of knowledge and the rich vocabulary needed for reading achievement and academic success. The program consists of three C’s. Visit for more information.

  1.  Coherent – Identification of what children should learn at each grade level ensures a coherent approach to building knowledge across all grade levels.
  2. Cumulative – Core Knowledge provides a clear outline of content to be learned grade by grade so that knowledge, language, and skills build cumulatively from year to year. This sequential building of knowledge not only helps ensure that children enter each new grade ready to learn, it also helps prevent the repetitions and gaps that so often characterize current education.
  3. Content-Specific – Core Knowledge clearly specifies the important knowledge in language arts, history, geography, math, science, and the fine arts.

enVision Math includes daily Problem-Based Interactive Math Learning followed by visual learning strategies that help deepen conceptual understanding by providing visuals for students. It includes daily problem solving and common core review. Built into the program are various interventions for students as well as enrichment opportunities based on the student’s needs.

Writer’s Workshop is an approach to writing instruction that addresses the needs of all students in the class. Writers’ Workshop begins with a mini-lesson where the teacher models the process and conventions of writing. After the mini-lesson, students write independently for an extended period of time. During independent writing, the teacher meets with individual students or groups of students to help them with their writing. Finally, Writers’ Workshop ends with a share time where students discuss and share their writing with their classmates.

Reader’s Workshop is similar to Writer’s Workshop and begins with a mini-lesson where the teacher directly instructs the class based on a specific strategy or skill. After the mini-lesson, students engage in a variety of literacy-based activities. Students are participating in independent reading as well as activities focused on comprehension, grammar, and vocabulary.